Mop up

I left our "new" house around noon Monday, while the electrician was just getting warmed up. When I returned today after a down day yesterday, all the lights were hung. I was like a kid, running around flipping switches. The lights look great, although I'd like my pair of bargain brass chandeliers to hang lower. However that would have required rewiring to extend the flex, and that isn't going to happen right now.

I had a short list of fixes for Ian (a few split boards, a picture rail that had to be cut in to allow for the mirror over the fireplace) and he was generally a step ahead of me. I'm going to miss Ian, Iver, Warren, Samuel, David and Barry. They are such a cheery group. They proposed a few things I hadn't thought of (backsplashes for the two small sinks in the two bathrooms we added, for example). I had them take a leftover tile to their shop to cut in half so I could use it for a shelf. My point is, today was a fun day because so many things have taken shape--doors re-hung, large window between the conservatory and kitchen installed, broken tiles in old bathroom replaced with tiles I found after visiting multiple stores. At the end of the day, they went through the entire house removing trash--piles of trash--so that the house looked like something we could conceivably move into in three days. It really did my heart good. I don't respond well to chaos.