
Uncle George took us to his son the chiropractor’s office and his son the welder’s massive workshop, where we also visited his man cave (a four-car garage with expensive vintage cars that he’s restored, a massive TV, big leather chairs, neon signs from bars, and girlie posters). He also showed us his copper still for making moonshine. It was built by a guy who has a reality TV show called Moonshiners. We’re not in Naples anymore.

So Fort Pierce is a place with a lot of bumper stickers of the Jesus Saves, confederate flag, and NRA variety. What is important here: hunting, church, fishing, camouflage, guns, veterans, pick up trucks, and motorbikes (as in Harleys). It’s blue collar to Naples 1% elitism. While Naples ruffled me with its ersatz everything, Ft. Pierce is unsettling because there are evangelical churches and references to guns everywhere. And the obesity. OMG.

Of course I have to catch myself. It’s no fun being a scold. So I also find the upside on each coast. Janis enjoys golf and bridge and has a high quality of life--lots of friends. Anne and Rick enjoy getting out and cycling or walking every day, which the Florida climate allows. Why on earth shouldn’t they enjoy their retirement in a place that makes everything easier. And Uncle George, while his political views are the opposite of mine, is the very best kind of man. He visits his wife at the nursing home every day--she has dementia. He brings her clean clothes. He doesn’t like how the laundry damages her clothes. He’s affectionate with his grandkids. As a pilot, he once flew missionary flights to Haiti, bringing food and medicine. He volunteers at his church. He’s kind, gentle, thoughtful, a good listener, polite. He gave us a box of English tea so we wouldn’t feel deprived while we were there. I don’t understand how he and my father--a classic narcissist--emerged from the same womb. But they would probably hate Obama equally.

After we visited George’s house and Aunt Virginia in the nursing home, we were released to our own devices, so I headed for water. We walked near the Ft. Pierce jetty, where the inlet divides the north and south beaches. Lots of pelicans:

We had a walk on the beach and then dinner--another salad. I’m going to turn green!
