Monkey off my back

Today I did a test drive of the e-mail I’m trying to send using Mailchimp to see if it looks alright. The e-mail links to seven different pages. Raj keeps sending me edits to the pages we link to. I’ve figured out how to edit these pages (once I got the necessary permissions) but I can’t figure out why I don’t see the edits after I’ve published them. (Something to do with my browser caching pages--??).

I work on the e-mail a bit first thing in the morning, a few times through the day, and late at night. Always waiting for Doug, Raj, Tom, Cristina, Laurence to get back to me on some detail. This is day 10, and we’re nowhere near. I keep thinking how I want to get this monkey off my back, which is funny because I’m using Mailchimp for the e-mail campaign and SurveyMonkey for the survey within the e-mail.
