Midweek Mingle

I went to the weekly MeetUp tonight at a bar called The National, which is in an old bank and looks like this:

I met a woman who spent her career working as some kind of tax auditor, but now works in the bakery at Sainsbury’s--a really nice grocery store. She works four hours a day, a few days a week, and loves it.
I also met a transgendered woman who is a physicist who works on climate change. You can read who is attending a MeetUp before you go so, when I read her bio, I sought her out at the event. She told me climate change doesn’t exist and that it’s made up by journalists. I told her 98% of scientists agree that human activity has caused global warming. She said it’s only .03%. I basically said “OK, never mind” and turned away from her to talk to the baker lady. Because there’s no point in arguing with someone who is off her rocker. How do you engage Trump voters, for instance, when they refuse to acknowledge reality?