
In class on Tuesday, Colm from Cork, one of my fellow students, and Sally Wheeler, the head of the law school who was taking my class that day, started quizzing me about the midterms.

At first I thought they meant exams. Then I realised they were talking about the elections. That is how out of touch I am with America. David and I got absentee ballots and voted them a while ago--I voted for the winning governor in Pennsylvania! But I have not been paying a great deal of attention because political coverage has always been so appalling--focusing on stupid things instead of things I care about.

Anyway, having seen the results, I'm more glad than ever to have put a lot of distance between me and the American electorate. Colm and Sally wanted to know who I thought would run in the presidential primaries for both parties. It's weird the interest over here in something I think a lot of Americans would rather not pay attention to until they absolutely have to.

Sally told me she flew to Boston when Obama was elected purely to experience the excitement. She said her cab driver thought she was insane.

This photo is of our new street! I took it a few weeks ago. That's our car on the left. Our house is on the right just beyond where the car on the right is parked. I love the mature trees lining the street.
