Michael & Faye

Here's a photo of our back garden.

We didn't realise the property came with two goldfish, but it did. The heron is keeping an eye on them.
The camelia bush has been blooming for a few weeks, as have the rhododendron bushes. I see my friends' Facebook photos of snow storms and feel almost guilty about our escape from winter. I had so many close calls commuting to work last winter and getting up and down my drive that I feel entitled to sit one out.

After working on the house much of the day, we went next door for dinner with the Dohertys. They told us about the three times they have done extensive work on their house through the years. They have a lot of sympathy for our experience as campers, and so treated us to a hearty Irish stew with broccoli and potatoes. Michael spent his whole career in the agriculture service, spending much time in London and Brussels. It was great to talk to him about the paper I want to do for my environmental justice class (on illegal dumping next to the river where I used to ride when I was a teenager).