Memory Lane

Friday morning we checked out of the BnB after another massive breakfast. We drove to Margate, passing my Uncle Bill and Aunt Dana's home--unchanged since my childhood. We visited Longport and Ventnor Heights--lots of new development along the bay. I regret not getting a photo of mom on the beach, but here's the beach in Margate. Mom gives me a running commentary of who used to live where, and who she rode bikes with, and where she rollerskated. I think it's wonderful to have so many memories tied to one place--I've been fairly nomadic all my life, first due to my dad's job and then to mine.

Then to Aunt K's, where they sat outside and chatted for hours while I took off for a lunch with my friend Judy. I had hoped to go to NYC for a day to see Joe, Carlos, and Dara. But I underestimated how tired I would be after the trip from Belfast then to the coast. Aunt Kathleen is a decorator and her house is a marvel--difficult to imagine how you could fit one more item into her house.

Friday night dinner at my cousin Bill's golf club with my cousin Jackie, mom and Aunt K. I enjoyed catching up with news from Bill's sisters and their children.

The stairway to our room at Aunt K's.

Our bathroom counter.

Her gardens are gorgeous.

Saturday morning we took our leave around 9:30 a.m. for the long drive back to West Virginia--six and half hours without stops, but we stopped a few times to keep my back and neck in working order.

Aunt K is a great cook--this is where she does the magic. We had pancakes for breakfast. On the way home, we stopped at Bedford Springs for lunch, a place I have always found very restful. I tried to talk mom into spending a night, but she wasn't for it. I really wanted to go swimming--they have an indoor and outdoor pool, but I guess mom wanted to get home.

We got home safe and sound and I was relieved to have never been pulled over as I left my driver's license in Belfast. Sunday and Monday was mainly about cleaning floors and the bathrooms, changing lightbulbs, fixing varous things, and doing a lot of hoovering. Also a trip to the hardware store for items needed for repairs/cleaning. We also watched the Queen's funeral. Monday night I packed and braced myself for the 20+ hour trip back on Tuesday/Weds.

Sept. 16-19