Meet Up

After my Derry sojourn, I did take on the spindles. So far, 18 of 26 painted. Not my favourite job, so very pleased with progress. Am also progressing on my will and giving myself big pats on the back. I find it hard to get beyond the basics (job, walk dog, golf, clean house) to accomplish anything. The week off helped.

I've read three books recently: Let's not go to the dogs tonight (harrowing account of growing up in three African countries in the 1970s); Kings of the Water (gay man returns to South Africa after 15 years away – a reckoning on many levels); and How it all began (book club pick by Penelope Lively about the ripples of the butterfly effect).

I'm getting on my bike a few times a week to train for a cycling holiday that is fast approaching. In other news: Lunch on 10 March with Joanna and Jackie Thompson and Nigel McClintock – former pupils at Foyle.

Most of the chat was of the "whatever happened to ___" variety as we reviewed the fates of fellow Foyle pupils. Two of my contemporaries, Pamela Brown and Vanessa Graham, have both died of breast cancer. What a wicked disease.

That night I attended Stories that Shaped Us. Five public figures picked five books and spoke about how they were impacted. The books were The Communist Manifesto, Babi Yar, Slaughterhouse 5, Blue Sky July and The Gathering Spirit. It was an interesting night, enhanced by actors reading from each book.

On Valentine's Day, I saw a French film with Ann about cooking: The Taste of Things. You have to enjoy watching people cook as there was a lot of that going on. The next night dinner with Eddis and the following day golf at Scrabo Tower, which sits on a hill overlooking Strangford Lough. My course has been closed for a week due to rain so it was nice to get out.

I played rubbish because my arms felt weak. I realised the next day, when I ached from head to foot, that the cycling training is having an impact.

I played with a guy I met at a Meet Up event a few weeks ago, and his friend. After golf, I went home for a quick change and then on to my third Meet Up event in as many weeks, dinner at Cafe Parisienne. I really enjoyed this b/c it was only six people. Some of the events are larger and noisier and it's harder to have a conversation. I enjoy getting out for a meal or a drink but not necessarily doing all the calls/texts to round up companions, much easier to slot in to a Meet Up event. Viv, second from left, organises a lot of cultural Meet Ups, so I try to join his occasionally.

The restaurant is in the former Robinson Cleaver department store; Belfast City Hall visible through the windows.

Saturday was a lengthy catch up with an old friend, Sheena, who is chair of the board of the church I once attended. We had a rambling conversation and it's always interesting for me to talk to the recently retired to see how they are getting on. Something I'm increasingly looking forward to. She is just back from India and soon leaving for Uganda, so no moss growing on her!

Sunday morning a hike and breakfast with Queen's student Ben and Sunday evening a film with Eddis: MickyBo and Me. Excellent film based on a book I read years ago. Two wee boys, one Catholic, one Protestant, live the dream of cowboys on the run until the political realities of 1969 Belfast muscle in on their fantasy.

Today is Wednesday: I had book club Monday night and Shandon's AGM last night. Nothing planned tonight but I have commitments the next four nights so will try to stay home and maybe, just maybe, paint the last eight spindles!

9 Feb to 21 Feb.