Meet Up

I went to a Meet Up last night--“Mature Cheddar”--a disco where they play 80s and 90s music. I feel a little silly dancing in a nightclub at my age, however I enjoy dancing and being out on a Saturday night with other mature people who like to dance--makes perfect sense. When David is in town, we end up exerting ourselves all day then watching TV at night. There was a Meet Up hike in the Mournes yesterday that I would have done if he were here. Instead, I did laundry, cleaned house, and worked on the wall. Boring, yes, but I do love getting the house whipped into shape. And I had energy left to go dancing.

Tonight I went to another Meet Up, this time a band from Texas made up of double bass, fiddle, and electric guitar. Called Hot Club of Cowtown, they mix bluegrass and country and basically provide a rollicking good time.

I expect to get out more during the next month with David gone. When he’s here, it’s much too easy to plonk down and watch TV or go out to see a film if we’re really ambitious. After a month of Meet Ups, I may have had my fill. Or I may have made some new friends and become a regular at some of the events. We shall see.