
Today I had an interview with the Principles for Responsible Investment for a really interesting job as steering committee coordinator for Climate Action 100. I think the interview went well but I’m of two minds about the job. I think Climate Action 100 is an important initiative--dozens of large asset managers banding together to put pressure on the 100 largest greenhouse gas emitters--at least the ones where they own stock. It’s hard to put pressure on state-owned oil or coal companies (Russia, India, Saudi Arabia). I believe in follow-the-money, so that is why I think large asset managers have an important role to play in forcing the low-carbon transition.

On the other hand, I am not eager to travel to London. I will have to find digs at a bargain rate, which means college-style austerity. I’ve always thought I could be quite happy with a minimalist existence. However, I have a serious cold right now and I’m physically miserable. I don’t see how my health will improve if I’m living somewhere less comfortable--perhaps noisier than I’m used to, or not as warm or clean.

I may not get the job, so we’ll cross the accommodations bridge when we get to it.