Rally and Rabbie

I spent all morning printing confirmations for planes, buses, rental cars, hotels, parking spaces. Then to St. George’s Market to buy gifts for people in the U.S. Then off to the women’s march in Belfast being held in support of the women marching in the U.S. The speeches were good, particularly the environmentalist. But also people speaking up for immigrants, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, and, of course, women.

A statue of Queen Victoria is in front of city hall. I wonder what she’d make of these times.

I’m not good at crowd estimates. I’ll throw out 300 as a guess.

This is Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International, who did a great job of quoting MLK.

I didn’t run into anyone from church, but did see a friend from Queen’s and a guy I worked with at Nicras (refugee agency).

Then I killed time until the Burns dinner at church. A night of singing, dancing, poetry, good food, good friends. It was an inspiring and happy day--a good antidote to the last few days, which have been filled with dread.