Made In Belfast

We saw a great film tonight called Made in Belfast about a Belfast guy who has lived in Paris for eight years returning to Belfast when his father dies. He’s a successful author, whose biggest book was based on the lives of his friends in Belfast. He made a fortune off airing their dirty laundry and now he has to figure out how to re-establish connections with people who hate him. Including a beautiful woman whom he left at the altar because he thought he could do better.

The best thing about the film is how well it shows off Belfast. The writer/director, who has a small role in the film, said he wanted to show Belfast how he sees it, not how American directors see it. The film was followed by a Q&A with the director and the lead actor. Two of the other actors were also in the audience. That is what is so great about living in a town that has so much creative talent and yet doesn’t take itself too seriously. You get to hear firsthand about the creative process.