Love the NHS

This morning I had a 10:40 a.m. appointment for an allergy test. I’ve had a problem since I moved here with my lips becoming inflamed and the skin around them becoming red and itchy. Hence the allergy test.
Downside is it took 2 years and three months to get to this point. Upside: I walk into the hospital and use a touch screen to enter my birthday and address. It spits out a number. When my number is called, I go into exam room 2 and a nice woman covers my back in tape and allergy test patches. My back looks like the sheets you fill in for SATs. Then I leave. It’s 11 a.m. I’ve filled out no paperwork, I will get no bill.
Yes it’s a bummer that it takes so long to get an appointment. However, the problem has become less frequent and less severe, maybe twice a year, not four times. It may be that I don’t need the allergy test, it could just be a reaction to something different here in the food or water. But hopefully I’ll have an answer in less than two more years.

Hallway update. Here’s Maysie approving of my spackling:

Here’s the lower part of the hallway with its first undercoat:
