Lost weekend

I spent most of the weekend working on two things, a newsletter for NICRAS--Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers. And proofing the 28-page report I’ve done for Preventable Surprises.

Saturday night we had our hiking friends Colleen and David over for dinner. Husband David did all the cooking. My contribution was to get in the groceries--which meant dealing with terrible traffic both in and out of the store. And I did the dishes.

While I was out I tried to go to a mall in Newtownards. The mall has two small parking lots at either end of the mall, nothing in between. Both of these lots were full, but to figure that out you end up in traffic jams as cars get stuck in the single lane in and out of the lots. I don’t know how you can build a shopping mall with so little parking. I left without ever going in. Bah humbug!
11-18, 19