Losses, gains

Lately my focus has been on making the house warmer. Partly due to a November heating bill of 222 pounds. My monthly bill was 48 pounds two years ago. Thanks Russia! But I also need the house to be cozier when mom visits in January and February. To that end, I've inflated a specially designed balloon in the fireplace. I've tacked heavy black plastic behind four flimsy doors that separate mom's bedroom from a storage space above the bay windows. And Joe hung a curtain I had made to keep the draft out of the hallway.

More recently I have moved the contents of a crawl space to the guest bedroom so that I can have that partial attic insulated. This inspired a round of downsizing. On Saturday, former Foyle pupils Sharon and Jennifer Craig visited and left with scuba diving and kayaking equipment. They will pass it on to Siobhan, pictured here recently, who lives in a community where water sports are very popular. I'm also getting rid of ski equipment and swing dance clothes.

It does make me a bit sad to let go of these slices of my life. It makes me feel like my once adventuresome spirit has had to be quelled, largely due to my knees. If I get them working again, it will be to run, not to ski or swing dance. I've been scuba diving only once. It was absolutely fascinating, but not something I feel compelled to make happen again. I still have a trunk full of camping equipment. I'm not ready to let go of that part of me yet. But neither have I hoisted a backpack with a tent, sleeping back, clothes and food in a very long time. Again, not something my knees would embrace. But if I would just do the flipping exercises I've been given (HUGE resistance to this), my knees would get stronger and maybe I could do a proper hike. Some day...

In the meantime, I enjoy golf more than I care to mention. Saturday night was annual awards night and here I am with my two trophies and my friend Paula, whose husband is my coach.

Instead of looking at my life as diminshing, I see it as continuing to evolve. I have always gone from one hobby to another, which I chalk up as a strength rather than a weakness. It's like I've stored up a deep lake full of memories that I can dip into when I'm older and relish. My horseriding days are in the very far distance and I continue to call those memories up and savour them regularly. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to try so many different things in my life.

Nov. 26-27