Lollygagging on the Lagan

We had beautiful weather all of last week, yet each day I stayed indoors working away at my job search. Saturday we wallpapered, Sunday I sang at church (I’m usually at church from 11am-1:30pm) then we had dinner with friends. Dinner with friends here lasts from 5-8:30. Yesterday I finally spent some time outside--three hours cycling on the Lagan Towpath. The next few days will be photos from that ride.

I crossed the Lagan from East Belfast to South Belfast to get to the beginning of the 11-mile towpath and saw a lone rower. I was amazed on Easter Sunday to see several rowing teams on the river, with someone in one of those larger motor boats. You can barely see the boathouses in the background.

I like this bridge. Underneath you can barely see the cafe featured in the next photo.

The Lock Keeper’s Inn is where you stop for tea and buns (buns means scones, brownies, and tray bakes--ridiculously sweet squares of gooey stuff).
