Locker room talk

I wasn’t able to swim all week because I had tape all over my back with allergy test patches. Today I got back in the pool and it felt great.

Avoniel Leisure Centre (similar to a Y) is a great place to notice the contrasts between the US and UK. The first time I went, I was 15 minutes early for the pool session. I wanted to be ready to dive in when it opened. However the whole centre wasn’t open so I waited, with a dozen others, in the cold foyer. There was a group of older men chatting away and one turned to me and explained why we aren’t allowed into the facility until the 7:30 open time. I don’t remember the particulars, but I loved this guy’s thick East Belfast accent and the way he talked to me like we were old friends. When three Chinese women joined the group, he said “Hello girls” brightly and they all smiled at him. It was like being at a party. Everyone chatty and a bit excited.

Today in the changing room, I listened to all the women talking about what they’d be making for Christmas dinner. As each new person came in, they were pulled into the conversation. I remember complete silence at the Y. Everyone was on a mission--get their laps done and leave. I’m no good at all at starting conversations, or even joining ongoing conversations. That is why it is better for me to live here--the bar is so much lower to having contact (there’s that word again) with other people. People make eye contact, they have time for you (one of the expressions here that I like).

After my swim, I took her highness for a walk on another gorgeous sunny morning. Spent the rest of the day doing chores around the house and painting.