Lockdown legacy

On my phone there's a Google feature showing me photos I took a year ago, two years ago, five years ago. The ones that popped up today documented my highly productive Early Lockdown period. Here's two years ago:

I stripped painted wallpaper off the two-story wall behind me (second and third floor) and the third floor wall it faced. Then painted it yellow. It was quite an undertaking given the amount of scraping, patching, priming and painting. Plus painting the bloody spindles.

Then I took on what was the master bedroom and converted it into an upstairs sitting room. A year ago, I had painted the ceiling and walls and was at the stage of dismantling a wardrobe that had four tall doors on the bottom (two remaining  below) and four short doors across the top (all removed--revealing water pipes).

And here is that wall today.

Honestly, I look back to the first year and a half of lockdown and all the things I did and I'm not sure where I found the energy. I seem to have problems now going through the mail or fixing a lamp. I don't think I'm alone in this. A lot of people--facing the novelty of a LOT of time at home with no options for, say, going to a film or visiting friends--became very productive. Intense nesting. But you can hardly maintain that.

Today's energy went into three pots. One, running in the morning with Paddy. Two, doing things I didn't want to do at work, like building a project timeline for a technical guide, and synching my timeline with one created by the project owner in Salesforce. Something I had avoided for weeks. Three, 12 holes of golf. Tuesday is competition day. This was my first competition of the year and I did not distinquish myself. My excuse is I had a lesson yesterday and it takes me a while to embed what I've learned. I need to go back to the driving range and try to develop some muscle memory around the backswing my coach is trying to get me to adopt. It does not come naturally to me but, unfortunately, what DOES come naturally to me is not good. When I follow his instruction I hit some cracking shots. Unfortunately he is not on the course to tell me where I'm going wrong.

April 5