Living in perfect harmony

I keep thinking about the Sendak poem and the wobbly poet’s poem, both of which challenged us to live each day to the fullest and fully appreciate life’s bounty. The choir rehearse on Monday nights and I have come to see that as part of my life’s bounty. I love singing in harmony and it feels like a privilege to sit in that small, overheated room every Monday night with 12 or so very talented singers and one incredibly talented pianist, practising for an hour and a half.

I find it strange how sometimes it is hard NOT to see the bounty in my life, and other times it seems impossible to find anything positive to focus on. Sometimes I toss and turn at night, powerless to erase some tormenting ogre from my thoughts. Other nights, the ogre has no sway at all. I increasingly feel that there are no rational explanations for moods and states of mind. I feel quite at the whim of something beyond my control. So while I try to appreciate the many good things in my life, I try not to beat myself up when all I see are metaphorical grey skies, bad omens, narcissism, and meanness. Because I know it will pass.