
I left my house at 11 am Friday, after an early walk at Cairnwood with Paddy. My 4pm flight out of Dublin was delayed until 6:45pm or so. The plans laid out in the last post (bus, walk, metro, walk) were scrapped given the late hour and the misery I was in – a cold settled in as I sat for hours in the Dublin airport, which was chilly given plunging temperatures outside.

So a taxi it was. The poor driver had to show me how to pay him on my phone using the Revolut app. I have a Revolut card for tapping everywhere, and paying in euros, but he only takes phone payments. This century!!!

Was thrilled to see Dara at the other end. I entered a code to get into the apartment building where we were staying. Then, exhausted, I was muttering to myself as I read the instructions she sent me. They said the apartment was on the second floor and I wasn't sure if that was American second floor or British second floor? Dara's voice from above: You can do this, Case! I yelled up, How many floors? as I stumbled toward her voice with my cases. The apartment is lovely. Here is my bedroom, with a lime coloured building opposite!

Here is the living room. My tastes are so traditional that I get a real kick out of a modern vibe.

On the building opposite is a wonderful lantern with a ship in the bracket. Lisbon is just choc a bloc with details like this.

So our first day in Lisbon, Saturday, saw us walk along the coast to the MAAT gallery to meet my old friends Lola and Andy. We started in a massive square at the end of our street.

We went through two markets, stopping in one for lunch. I admired the colourful tiled buildings everywhere. Even the underpass is tiled!

It was drizzling as we crossed over to the MAAT gallery but, when we had coffee afterward, the sun on the water and the sailboats was dazzling. I was too busy chatting to take a photo.

Here we are at the gallery. I met Lola and Andy in 1992, when I moved to Kansas City. I met Dara in 1987 or 1988, after moving to upstate New York. Old friends are the best friends!! Lola and Andy live in Aveiro, near Porto. Like me, they have decided their golden years are best spent outside the US. Dara is also considering foreign options.

My leaning is indicative of the state I was in. As the day wore on, the runny nose of Friday turned into severe congestion and fever late Saturday. We took a taxi back to the apartment after our visit and I went straight to bed. Dara, bless her, went out to get me vegetable soup and drugs. One last photo of an elevator around the corner from the apartment:

Lisbon is full of surprises.

1 & 2 March