Light at the end of the tunnel

I uploaded three papers to Queen's yesterday--7,000 words, roughly. I have one more paper due in two days. I don't think I've had a week all year that I didn't have at least one assignment. I am so totally burned out. I really can't generate much enthusiasm for this paper, even though its about Walmart, which I've always loved to hate.
In lieu of working on my next paper--I seem unable to sit at my desk for more than 5 minutes--I've done some painting, some vacuuming, I've gotten framed family photos out of the attic, I've cleaned toilets, made beds, groomed the dog. Anything to get out of researching and writing yet another bloody paper.
Our first guests from the states arrive on Friday, a lovely young couple from Main Line Unitarian Church. I will try to get photos of the guest bedroom up tomorrow. It turned out really well. My friend David came over for lunch today and we planned a proper B&B breakfast for Sunday morning: fresh fruit, yoghurt, cereal, and an Ulster fry (fried soda farl, potato bread, wheaten, toast, fried tomatoes, fried egg, sausage, and bacon). David and Stuart used to run a B&B so I thought it would be nice if our guests could experience a proper Ulster breakfast.