Let there be light

I have now bought 10 light fixtures for the house. I am also refurbishing the two that came with the house. One is bronze:

The other was spray painted bronze and I'm spray painting it silver.

We sold all but two of our lamps in the U.S., due to the change in voltage here, and so having overheads in each room is important. I still have two rooms without a light. But they aren't as important as the remaining rooms. I'm trying to get all my fixtures ready to go so that when the electrician is in to do the final wiring, he can hang them. Both of these chandeliers will need a ground (which they call earth here--isn't that interesting?).

We've spent the last two days cleaning the house of plaster dust, brick dust, saw dust, dust dust. I also pulled up many many nails and lots of those tack strips that go around the edge of the room to hold down wall-to-wall carpet. David spent today stripping wall paper. The house is now clean enough to accept all our worldly possessions.