Legenderry Halloween

I headed to Derry midmorning and spent the afternoon walking around the city with my friend Julie. The atmosphere was festive and the city looked great.

Julie took this photo of me on the city walls:

Because I have a leather jacket, cowboy boats, and black pants, I decided I’d be Johnny Cash. Julie said I looked more like kd lang. Whatever.
At night we went to the parade, which was fantastic. Unlike Belfast, Derry doesn’t have much going on economically. It is known for being a city of creatives, and that shows up in the parade.
My favourite part was these kick ass drummers.

Their costumes kept changing colours: red-green-blue.

These dancers’ costumes also changed colours:

This float represented the Mobuoy dump, largest illegal dump in Europe and situated on the banks of the lovely River Faughan in a valley near my former home.

My poor little digital camera struggled with nighttime photography. I could see the woman in front of me was getting good photos on her phone. I haven’t invested in a fancy phone b/c I just couldn’t be arsed (a local phrase I like). Here are the ghostbusters with a massive American hearse behind them:

And some bagpipers bringing up the rear:
