Leg stretcher

I hike with HF Holidays, which covers all my needs:

Three good meals/day with vegetarian choices.

Trip leaders, who allow me to avoid reading maps

Lovely accommodation.

Each day you pick from three levels of hikes: leg stretcher, moderate, and full on. Today I went on a 6-mile leg stretcher walk through some valleys around Brecon, ending at a hill fort with beautiful views. My companions were a retired headmistress and a woman who works for a pharmaceutical company. Leading the hike was Kevin, who retired from the civil service. I was fascinated to learn that HF hiking guides are volunteers. They love to hike and they enjoy meeting people. Most of them are retired. What an interesting concept. I don't think that would fly in America. It's a lot of work and responsibility for volunteers.

Below is the view on the way to the top of the hill fort.

And our lunchtime view from the top, looking in the opposite direction to the previous photo.

Me at the top of the hill fort:

Here is some impressive ironwork on a side door at Brecon Cathedral.

And, finally, Nythfa House.


After the hike today I wandered around Brecon and bought a new pair of hiking boots. I discovered first thing this morning that the pair I brought are no longer waterproof. So I had wet feet all day. Luckily no blisters.

June 26