Leg Stretcher part 2

Internet speeds are really slow here so I didn't get all the photos from the first day's hike uploaded from the phone to google and downloaded to my laptop. Here are the remaining photos from the first day's hike. The previous post was photos from the end of the hike on the hill fort. Most of the hike was in the woods, actually Priory Woods. Early in the day we came upon this idyll.

I learned that in the Middle Ages people "weren't very nice to each other," in the words of our trip leader Kevin. The wealthy were particularly vicious to everyone else. As they neared death, they would either make a big contribution to the monastery as atonement or, if they were really guilty, they built a priory. As was the case in Brecon. A priory is a home for monks. The site of the priory is now home to Brecon Cathedral.

We came upon this well. I was fascinated by it. I had a springhouse in Pennsylvania and I'm convinced it was built by Welsh immigrants. This one was built in 1751. Mine was probably built around the same time. Looking at the stone houses in Wales, I think my house was also built by the Welsh. I lived in an area settled by the Welsh (hence Bryn Mawr and Gladwyn) so it seems likely.

June 26