Leap day

On the way home from church yesterday, I stopped at the hardware store and bought two cans of paint, one for a wall and the other for trim. A week or so ago, I bought wallpaper for the other three walls. I’ve begun the process of cleaning and prepping the box room for its makeover. The box room is the smallest bedroom and it will be my office. We worked really hard on the house in March-May of 2015 then did next to nothing since. It’s good to get started on one of the three remaining projects (other two is a bedroom and the three-storey foyer/landing).

In January, David made a first pass at redecorating, painting all the green and orange plaster walls with three coats of white paint. He spent 65 pounds at Ikea on a shelf, a print, and two lamps and declared the room decorated. However, that isn’t how I roll. I hope to have the finished result within the week.
