Lagan meadows

Last week I met the daughter of my mother's friends, the O'Dwyers. She has had a fascinating career as a field accountant working in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Romania, and, most recently, South Sudan. Her next contract is in Nicaragua. She works for nonprofits, making sure the books are in order as cash flows into these countries to pay salaries and buy various goods.

She suggested we go for a walk before lunch and we walked for 2.5 hours! I was familiar with the Lagan Towpath but not the Ladan Meadows on the north of the river and Belvoir Forest on the south. It was a gorgeous walk, so David and I went back on Saturday.

We walked around hilly fields, through woods, along meadows.

We saw swans, mallards, and a moorhen. Unfortunately, I managed not to capture the moorhen's bright red beak.

Last week was all about catching up on post-thesis chores and about freelance work. This week, the job search begins in earnest!