Lady President’s week

Last week was Lady President's week, with a very large trophy going to the person who had the best combined rounds on Tuesday and Thursday. I had a bad round Tuesday and a good round Thursday, so didn't expect anything at the prize giving after Thursday night's dinner. However there were separate prizes for the best round on Tuesday and the best round on Thursday. I won the Thursday prize and my friend Ali won for Tuesday. My friend Dee O'Hare won the combined prize. She was on the Challenge Cup team--for us beginners--so I was chuffed for her. Here I am with Ali and our matching carafes.

On Tuesday the 26 July, I had the highest point total under the Stableford system--40 points. So I also won the Schofield Cup. Here I am with my haul.

The week I won the Schofield Cup I tied for first place in another round during our open week. I had 40 points on that round as well, but my friend Debbie Thompson had a better back 9, and that is the tie break.

So I'm having a bit of a run. Handicap at 32 now, down from 36 a year ago. I had a lesson with Geoff recently where we tackled a part of the game I wasn't getting. I've worked with him on the big shots (driving from the tee and the fairway) and on chipping onto the green. I haven't worked with him on what to do when I'm, say, 20 to 90 yards from the green. So that is my area of focus now. The really good players are very tidy around the green, which I am not There's always more to learn in golf.

Early August