Knock on effects
After walking Paddy at Belvoir Forest (more swimming), my choices were:
*remove wallpaper behind the former wardrobe
*sand the floor under the former wardrobe
*saw through a shelf in the larger attic/crawl space so I can fit a garment rack in the attic
*hang a clothes rail from the rafters in the smaller attic/crawl space
*clean the living room and dining room floors (not done since Feb. 6, when I fell on my shoulder--still not healed)
Given my gimpy shoulder, I'm not enthused about any of this. I had a go at wallpaper removal and got a decent section done. Then I cleaned the floors downstairs--without falling. Key to this is to not be in a hurry. Then I sat down and read for a while. Then golf at 5:30pm.
This picture shows why I'm pushing myself to get through the list above. The upstairs lounge project has had a knock on effect in multiple rooms. The conservatory is full of the remains of the wardrobe. And the guest bedroom has the contents of half the wardrobe. I'm a person who prizes neatness and order. So this is driving me batty.
April 25