
Today I went for a hike with the Dynamos, a Meet Up hiking group, at Kilbroney Forest. I took my camera but forgot to put a card in the camera, so I didn’t get anything. Here’s an internet photo of an erratic you see about a third the way up to the top.

I adore that word erratic for a random boulder. Pity about the graffiti. That’s Warrenpoint in the background, a lovely town on Carlingford Lough. On the other side of the lough is the Republic of Ireland.

I got a ride to and fro with Sophie, whom I met on a previous hike. She’s an incredibly interesting person. She has a very important job in the NHS, she moved from the north of England back to Belfast after finding her birth mother here, she has relatives in Brussels from her father’s side, in Belfast from her mother’s side, and in England from the family who adopted her. And she has good relations with all three sets of relatives.

She’s an invigouratingly positive, can-do person and I so enjoy being around her. I spend too much time alone with my thoughts and she gives me a good kick in the arse when we’re together. As in, there’s a lot of things I should be doing that I’m not doing b/c I make a lot of excuses. She has no time for excuses. In addition to her demanding job and extensive travels, she’s writing a book about the Troubles, a fictional account of two men’s journeys through the 1970s and 1980s. She’s interviewed former IRA members to write it. Who does that?