Bad Timing

The Friends of the Earth had an event today called Beautiful Trouble. It was about creative forms of resistance to the government-sanctioned destruction of NI’s environment. It was advertised as being from 10-5. I figured it was an open house kind of thing because who has an all day event right before Christmas? Friends of the Earth, apparently. I went for 90 minutes and met some lovely people, then skipped out, kind of sorry I couldn’t be there for the brainstorming among these passionate activists. Next, Sophie’s to help her get ready for her Christmas party tonight. It’s fun being sous chef to a really good chef like Sophie. Next home for a bit of a rest and to walk my wee man. Next into the city for Mimi’s graduation party dinner. Mimi is a refugee from the DRC who just got an LLM from Queen’s. The party started at 6 pm at a community centre but we were on Congo time. I got there with Eddis at 7 pm. No sign of Mimi or of dinner. She came in around 8 and asked me to go with her to Nicras, the refugee centre about a mile away, to collect cases of soda and boxes of chafing dishes. I filled the car at Nicras, came back, unloaded everything. Still no sign of food. I left at 8:45 pm, feeling not well as I hadn’t had dinner, and I don’t think I’d had much in the way of lunch either. On to Sophie's, where I gorged on canapés to refill my tank. Sophie has a lovely group of friends and it was really nice to chill and talk to them while scarfing beetroot and goat cheese bruschetta, mushroom pate vol au vents, avocado and caramelised onion on toasted bread squares, roast peppers and buffalo mozzarella, and a mince pie. Set me to rights, so it did.
Mimi is a famously good cook, so I’m sorry I missed her meal. But I was trying to fit in as much as I could. Friends of the Earth had a party tonight too that I’d like to have gone to--and there was a swing dance. But I can be in only one place at a time.