Job search

I've been a bit slow getting the job search off the ground because I've had enough distractions to keep me busy. But now I'm getting focused. And I'm finding it daunting to do a job search in a place where I know very few people and I really don't know the lay of the land. In the U.S., I know a fair amount about who does what in the worlds of political advocacy, social justice, and environmental activism. Here I feel completely flat footed.

I looked at Linked In and found myself unqualified for all but a few jobs, and those were high-stress journalism jobs in London, which I'm not interested in. Like everything else in life, I need to be patient and take it one day at a time. Yesterday I went to a speech on poverty sponsored by the Law Centre of Northern Ireland. Friday I go to an all-day conference on immigration issues. I sent out my first resume today--woo hoo! I'm already bracing myself for the rejections that go with a job search. I can't imagine that that is any more fun at 53 than at 23.

Today's highlight: I've discovered a network of paths that can only be described as bronchial at Stormont Estate, where the Northern Ireland Assembly meets. I run three times a week now, and I'm going to try to get to Stormont once or twice a week. The trails are beautiful, including one up and down a deep glen.
