Job fair

I went to a job fair today. So depressing. Partly because the companies are looking for shiny new YOUNG graduates, not an old fart like me. And, because I stopped exercising when I became a student, I feel not just old but fat and old. And, having worked for the same company for 15 years, I'm not used to marketing myself. I felt almost crippled by insecurities--and told myself that that is pretty much to be expected. I'm good at dual-track thinking: "this is awful" and "it's OK, it's supposed to be awful."

Who is in demand? Accountants, software programmers, and engineers. Surprisingly, no one is looking for: Idealist who seeks to engage multi-national corporations in paradigm-shift that saves the planet. But then again, there were a lot of companies there, so I might have missed something.