January blues

Here are all the things I’m trying to get done this month:

  1. Seven quarterly performance files for T.Rowe Price funds.
  2. Three days/week for Preventable Surprises, for whom I’m trying to develop a new website.
  3. Research and write a freelance article on shareholder resolutions (potential changes to SEC rules).
  4. Attend a few Out to Lunch events.
  5. Begin the process of filling out the 80-page visa renewal application, due when I get back from the U.S.
  6. Organize the trip to America.

Each one of these is time consuming, confusing, and/or anxiety inducing (if nothing else, because they infringe on time available for the others). Remember, I don’t like technology and you can’t do much without it. The trip to America, for example. I need a round trip bus fare to Dublin. Round trip airfare to Columbus Ohio. A night at a hotel in Columbus (I get there too late to deal with renting a car and driving to Parkersburg). A one-way bus ticket to Columbus (my mom is willing to drive me back because I leave in the daytime). A roundtrip airfare to Ft. Myers, Florida. A rental car in Florida. Luckily one of my cousins, who has a condo on the west coast, is driving to the east coast for a squash tournament. We’re going to hitch a ride with him to see my Uncle George and his kids on the east coast. That means another hotel in Ft. Pierce and a rental car for two days.

Do you know how many websites that involves? How many apps they want me to download so I can use my phone to check in? (I refuse to rely on apps because my phone may or may not be charged when I need it and I don’t plan to change sim cards, so I’m not sure what my UK phone can and can’t do in the U.S.)

I feel guilty going to Out to Lunch events, however I need some stress relief, and that does it.