It's beginning to ...

Before we get to the Christmassy bit...

Thursday 30 Nov. was dinner with Ben and a sustainability talk at Queen's. I was very underwhelmed by the panel's presentation. More posturing than substance. The convener closed by saying how inspiring the panel was and how we were all going to go out and make a difference. I wondered if I'm just too cynical? I overcame my shyness in crowds and spoke to a woman who looked about my age. She had the exact same reaction. A lot of hot air. I felt so much better. I mean the COP is in the UAE, so how are we not to be cynical?

Friday morning I swam – first time since I was in Parkersburg – and I'm reminded how important it is to running the physical plant. Then I went to Shandon to decorate for Christmas and, for the first time, was overcome by a wave of Christmas spirit, singing as I hung giant sparkly snowflakes. I then played golf with Ali, who made it clear she wasn't up for being serenaded with Christmas carols. Bah. Today was the first day on temporary greens (see below), which are small, hard to get on, and hard to putt on. Despite this, I had 24 points – the highest of my 13 cards so far!

Saturday morning I was up in Lagan Meadows for a walk with Marek. He's a good photographer and so I asked him to take a photo of a scene I particularly like, where a staircase descends from the meadows to the River Lagan.

There was mist on the Lagan and it was just a beautiful morning. Then home to decorate my house for Christmas, starting with Betty's Christmas Alley.

And the stockings hung with care.

I decided against putting the artificial tree in the window this year, going instead for greens and lights. This will make disassembling Christmas in January much faster.

Then back to Shandon for a lunch with golfing buddies.

My No. 1 golfing buddy, Patricia, who gave me the top I'm wearing:

The prior week I bought a pretty silver and black jacket at a charity shop and went to visit her, Miss Bling, for something to wear under it. She gave me a choice of four blingy tops and this is the one I chose.

Sunday I went with Patricia to a craft market that was a bit disappointing. Sunday afternoon back at Shandon for lunch with some other golfers. Nut roast two days in a row!

In two weeks I will depart for the US. Still much to do to have all in order but at least all presents are bought for all the nice people on my list.

3 December