Interview prep

The other day I whined about being a Luddite in a techie world. But to my credit I bought my airfare online for tomorrow’s flight to London and printed my boarding passes; bought my RT train ticket online from Gatwick to London and printed the receipt; reserved a parking space at the airport online and printed that receipt; printed a Google map showing the offices I’ll be visiting; and retrieved my train tickets from a kiosk at Gatwick. So I can function in this bloody tech world, I just don’t like all the hassle. I had to go to three kiosks at Gatwick before one took my card. When I tried to buy a sandwich at Mark’s and Spencer’s using the self-service kiosk, it too wouldn’t read my debit card (in both cases the clerks made it clear it was a recurring problem). Computers are supposed to make everything so efficient and easy, except when they don’t.

Three pictures from last weekend’s trip to Derry. What was once the docks on Lough Foyle--an area I never saw when I lived there--is now a lovely promenade and marina. Here are sculptures commemorating those who emigrated via the Derry port.

I took the one above but stole the next two from the internet. Because I’m techie like that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if my father’s family, the McGoverns, emigrated through the Derry port.
