In scent tiffs

Trust me, the headline will eventually make scents. Sense. Cents. (How do people learn to speak English?)

Today was the seven-hour journey to London: two buses in Belfast, the flight, the train from Gatwick to London, then the tube to Shoreditch, where I worked with Raj until I dropped. Almost literally. He’s a night owl and doesn’t eat until 8 or 9. Ugh. Thank heavens for Cliff bars.

When I have time to kill in airports, why not spray on something that smells pretty? I’m travelling, I don’t usually indulge in fragrances, there are about 1,000 on offer. A nice little treat, right? From Facebook I have learned that some people have a violent reaction to fragrance. I don’t know if it’s an allergy--some kind of strong objection to perfume. So I didn’t put any on. If you are stuck in a row of seats on Ryanair and you have this problem, you don’t want to spend time next to someone who was bored in the Duty Free, am-I-right?

So it’s funny that they push all this fragrance on you when you are about to be crammed into a metal tube with 100 or so other souls. Not funny, insensitive. Don’t incentivise me to do something that could cause a tiff with my fellow travellers (hence inscentiffise). Killing myself here.

Raj and I had dinner in Spittalfields Market (sp?). The food was excellent. Belfast is very much lacking in international cuisine. I was in heaven. Then I took a cab to Carolyn’s, where I’ll stay until Sunday. It was an expensive ride, but I was way too tired to deal with the subway system, which I’m still iffy on. You have to get to the right platform (north or south?) and then get the right train to the right destination--the Northern Line I use has two branches.