A change in climate, part 1

We spent Saturday, Sunday, and Monday visiting David’s family in Sheffield. This includes his sister, her husband, and their three kids. By her own admission, David’s sister is “the most antisocial person in the world” while she describes her husband as grumpy. Having been frustrated during previous visits by failed efforts to make conversation, I didn’t make much of an effort this time. And that made things easier.

We spent the first day visiting an art museum in Sheffield, the second day visiting the National Railway Museum in York (Mecca for David), and the third day visiting an art museum in Manchester, from where we flew back to Belfast.

Some day I’ll go back on my own when I can shop in York, which is a charming walled village full of interesting (non-branded) shops. My companions weren’t interested in shopping so we fairly ran through the cobbled streets. Internet photos:
