In good company

A librarian told me today that there are about 1,600 students in Queen's library every hour, on average. The library is open 24 hours a day. Between 8,000 and 9,000 students come in every day (some of them are leaving and coming back, so those are visits, not students). Last year: 1.4 million visits.

All I know is the atmosphere here is electric. We are all sweating it out. The undergrads are studying for tests that begin on Monday and last two weeks. The postgrads like me are writing our little hearts out. Total word count for all six papers I have due is: 14,000 words.

Yesterday I sat across from a guy who was studying relativity theory and quantum mechanics. He took his jacket off and he was wearing a Toy Story top that looked like a pajama top. It was all I could do not to giggle. It just seemed so odd.