I’m ready for my close up now

Yesterday I made a list of 22 things I needed to get done. I got 16 of them done! So why is my list 10 items long today? The good news is my summer golf membership at Belvoir ended so I no longer feel compelled to play twice a week. There are plenty of other courses I could play, but right now I need to play catch up.

I’m moderating a panel at a conference next week and the organisers want a photo of me. So after I got my hair cut today, I had a friend take a photo of me against a white background, as requested. One smiley (which doesn’t want to rotate):

And one with the appropriately concerned look of an environmentalist concerned about global chaos.

I bought the jacket I’m wearing in 1998 for a job interview at Vanguard. I still have the skirt that came with it, but I’d say the skirt is a bit tighter than the jacket LOL.