I survived!

April was a cruel month for me. But I passed my driving test. I researched and wrote 40 or so fund performance commentaries in my freelance gig. I turned in four research papers at Queen's. I researched and gave a presentation, complete with executive summary and slides for Queen's. I turned in a paper by noon today (on how the methodology of the FTSE4Good Index produces questionable results) and I am feeling quite celebratory.

I celebrated by spending a few hours on a ladder painting the band of wall between the picture rail and the cornice moulding. But I did it to Salt N Pepa, so I was rocking.

I also decided to attend the two-week conference on business and human rights in Zurich. Two of my fellow students are going, so that makes it more fun. I'm so jaded about so many things that I'm not convinced this will be all that valuable. I've been to so many conferences and workshops that were going to Change My Life that I've concluded it's me, not the content. The program will definitely look good on a resume.

Anyway, I'm happy to see the backside of this month. I have four papers due in May, so I can't slack off for long. But I won't be freelancing or practicing mirror-signal-maneuver.