I have a kitchen only because it came with the house

I really don’t like to cook. Today I remembered why. The other day I baked the small cooking pumpkin David bought as decoration. Today I tried to turn it into a pie. Here were just some of the obstacles:

  1. Does the U.S.-purchased hand/wand blender need the green and white current adapter? Or the black converter? I have no idea. I could burn out the motor if I make the wrong choice.
  2. Said wand is spraying pumpkin muck all over my face, sweater, and the cabinets. Put pumpkin muck in larger container, problem continues. I had cut the pumpkin into dozens of cubes. As I move the wand up and down to squash each cube individually, orange spray goes everywhere.
  3. Should I use a wand on a metal bowl? Should I only use it on ceramic? I’m using it in a metal stock pot--no idea if this is a no-no.
  4. Recipe calls for a small pumpkin and later calls for 250 grams of pumpkin puree. That is nothing. It’s one-fifth of the amount of pumpkin I have. Am I doing something wrong? I double the amount of pumpkin and all of the spices and evaporated milk, but not the eggs. David has returned my call for help at this point and tells me to double the eggs as well.
  5. Recipe says 150 millilitres of evaporated milk. Can of milk is 410 grams. How to translate?
  6. Recipe says 145 grams of maple syrup. Syrup bottle is 180 millilitres. A) How to translate? B) Why TF can’t measurements be consistent?
  7. I should say here that I also want to get a wall painted today, I have content to edit from Preventable Surprises, I want to get to the post office to mail birthday cards, I want to deliver freshly made pumpkin pie to both neighbours, and I need to leave for choir practice by 6 p.m. So I’m trying to cook quickly, which DOESN’T WORK.
  8. I’m using the narrower oven, not its wider neighbour. Big mistake. The intention was to put both pie pans on the black tray that came with the oven. Only one pie pan fits (even though the pre-made crusts I bought--natch--are small). I learn this after I’ve put the first pie on the black tray. The tray has a lip all the way around it. This means I spilled batter onto the tray as I tried to slide the pie in. Lots of expletives. Tried to pull the tray out. It’s stuck on the rails. Tried to pull out the rack underneath it. The rack has a weird notch in the middle that makes it tip down if you pull it out more than half way. More expletives. Somehow I extracted the pie and the tray, cleaned the goop off the tray, put it back in using a higher set of rails (after putting the pie on it), and put the second pie on a rack on a lower set of rails.
  9. Pies in, I set about cleaning an orange batter-covered kitchen.

All in all, I have to mark this effort a success because no blood was spilled, no skin burnt, and the pies were actually quite good. But I was stressed out every minute I was in the kitchen. Which is why I spend as little time in that room as possible. The sad news is I still have 500 grams of pumpkin, so I think I’m going to have to do this all over again. Tricky when I need to keep painting and editing many hours each day.