I got the job!

As dutifully reported, I had a good interview with PRI last week--Principles for Responsible Investment. The job is actually working with the ClimateAction100 campaign, but PRI will provide staff (campaigns often don’t have their own staff but borrow from member organisations).
Around 5 pm I got a call from one of the two interviewers offering me the job! I was already excited about this job. My follow-the-money instinct tells me that investors controlling $32 trillion in assets--as ClimateAction100 signatories do--have a lot of leverage with the companies in which they invest. Their calls get taken, you know what I mean? So these 310 investment firms are going to put the arm on the high-emissions companies whose shares they hold. I think it’s a promising framework for accelerating the transition to clean energy.
My excitement for the job went up a few notches when they said I could work from home!! So exciting. In theory I will go to London once per month. In reality, with holidays and vacations, it will probably be more like 10 times/year. So this is next-level awesome (I learned that phrase from Trevor Noah). I get a front row seat on one of the most high visibility campaigns to decarbonise entire sectors. And I don’t have to spend most of my time in London. Win win. And they have a generous pension! I stopped saving for retirement in 2014, which seems a bit early for someone my age. I’ve felt my retirement savings will stand me in good stead if I delay drawdown until, say, my mid 60s. However, Trump’s determination to dismantle the US economy leaves me thinking Social Security isn’t a good bet and my retirement plan is also looking less reliable. I moved it into money markets when the bastard was inaugurated. I’ve missed a move up in the markets since then, but I sleep better.
David and I went to a Thai restaurant -- not the Thai Tanic -- for dinner to celebrate. I shared my misgivings. It’s intimidating thinking of returning to a 5 day/week job. I found the time really dragged when I worked at home for Preventable Surprises three days/week. But this time I’m part of a team and I will have a lot more to do, so the time should go by more quickly. Probably more teleconferences and phone calls and, hopefully, contact with other humans. I was left to do my own thing at Preventable Surprises and it was really hard to generate enthusiasm every day.
My start date is one month from today! So exciting!