
Recent news items:
More than a third of the Belfast bikes--bikes locked in racks that can be rented around the city--have been vandalised. A large number have been tossed in the River Lagan. That’s 220 bikes that have been wrecked by vandals.

Police responded to more than 300 gorse fires in one weekend in Fermanagh and Tyrone counties, an estimated 80% set by trouble makers. Gorse is a bush that is in full flower right now, with scented yellow flowers. Hillsides and mountainsides are charred by these fires and rescue personnel are not available for people who genuinely need them.

A young woman who hiked up Cave Hill came down to find that the local hooleys had turned her Mini upside down, breaking out all the window glass.

This kind of mindless vandalism drives me nuts. I try to tune into my compassionate side. I think of disaffection among unemployed youth who live in areas of the city that have been abandoned by anyone who could afford to leave. They are frustrated and angry. But I can’t quite get there. So much money has been spent in Northern Ireland on jobs programs and peace and reconciliation work. It’s hard to believe so many people get their jollies by destroying bikes and burning down forests.