Honest labour

I’ve worked two solid days producing two conference summaries and my last quarterly performance summaries. I was at my desk all day for two days straight. The last two days have been gorgeous outside, but I didn’t get to enjoy the weather at all. I did get to enjoy some entertainment. BBC Radio Ulster regularly tapes radio programmes here and last week we saw a taping of two episodes of Big Country, a new sitcom written by comedian Patrick Kielty. The highlight was Pauline McLynn, who plays Mrs. Doyle on Father Ted. She was hilarious. Last night we went to a taping of the Blame Game, a regular quiz show featuring five comedians. I think that show can be very funny if there’s a lot going on in local news. If it’s a slow news week, they fall back on puerile material regarding poo and male body parts. Did I mention that these are all male comedians?