Hogwart’s Express

I've never read a Harry Potter book or seen a film But today I spent a lot of time with HP fans from all over the world, my traveling companion being one of them.

As a primary school principal, she's duty bound to share photos with her students, and her two sons, both in their 20s.

We just made the 11 am train viewing. Then to a lovely wee village called Arisaig which, thankfully, had public toilets. With a very entertaining message.

Then to a lovely beach for a walk before heading to Mallaig.

We had lunch by the marina in Mallaig, from where you can get a ferry to the Isle of Skye. Which would require more of an all day commitment, so we didn't attempt that.

On the way back, we called in at Glenfinnan again to catch the 3 pm train, standing where we had a better view.

A better shot as well of Bonnie Prince Charlie who, conveniently, is just across from the viaduct.

From there to Fort William, where an outdoor shop is going out of business so Cathy and I bagged some bargains. Then home and another amazing dinner.

July 20