Happy Mother’s Day to mothers of all stripes, including the non-reproducing variety.

This photo was taken in 2008 of (back row) my godmother, Aunt Rosemary; my namesake, Aunt Kathleen; my mom and (front row) Aunt Eleanor and Aunt Joanne. Aunt Eleanor and Aunt Rosemary have since died, sadly.
I can’t look at these women without warm memories of many happy summers visiting them as a child. They remain larger-than-life characters to me because of their indomitable personalities. There is nothing more entertaining than listening to them tell stories and then argue over the details. They are a very argumentative bunch but they love each other totally. Of the original 10 Casey children, four remain today. My Uncle Bill is the fourth.
I have only one sibling and we aren’t on speaking terms. It’s terribly sad that the ability to stick together through thick and thin didn’t make it to the next generation.