Hitting the Wall

I got up at 4:30 this morning to take David to the airport. He’s spending the next month working on an organic farm in Italy. He’ll stay at a lovely villa, eat excellent food, work four hours a day, and spend the rest of the time painting or hiking or whatever suits him. He set this up through an organisation that lets you stay in lovely resorts at half price in exchange for your labour. This will be a good break for David. He works long hours and is under a lot of stress at work. But he’s not the kind of person who can take a relaxing holiday.

I, meanwhile, am tucking into the foyer project. Here are the steps:

  1. Remove wall paper. Done.
  2. Paint ceilings. Done.
  3. Use wallpaper steamer, scraping tool, and sponge to get off glue and bits of paper. Done.
  4. Sand and then sponge off walls. Not done.
  5. Spackle and sand dents in wall. Not done.
  6. Prime. Not done.
  7. Two coats of paint. Not done.
  8. Paint trim. Not done.
  9. Stain floor. Not done.
  10. Remove radiator cover and paint it. Not done.
    My goal is about two hours a day. I have no idea how long it will take. My friends Joe and Carlos are coming Christmas Eve. I’d like to be done by then.

    The photos were taken on my macbook, which reverses everything. But you get the idea.