Hitting the links

Sunday, after laundry, unpacking, and tidying up, I played 15 holes of golf at the nearby public course with mom coaching from the buggy. It was a hot day, so a bit tiring after yesterday's exertions. We also visited the garden allotments not far from the course--glads, nasturtium, lavendar, grapevines, corn, berry bushes, dahlias. Lots of lovely plots. Lunch at a nearby garden centre.

Monday we went to Derry to have lunch with the O'Dwyers and a visit with Mary Richmond. I was more focused on my social duties than on photography, so sadly no photos. But mom enjoyed five hours of chat with her buddies. A very stressful 90-minute drive home as the highway is under construction with a lot of reduced speed/one lane areas. It was a bank holiday with a lot of traffic. This created a lot of aggressive driving and I felt like I was in an eat or be eaten environment. Two days later I get a speeding ticket in the mail. Sigh.

Tuesday I was back to work. I'm sure mom enjoyed a day of sitting still. She began to watch Great British Bake Off season 2. In the evening I took Paddy for a run/swim on the coastal path while mom watched and was kept company by a chatty nurse with two little mop dogs. Then we parked at the North Ireland Yacht Club, which had a regatta on.

Aug. 25-27