Hip joint and unhip joint

So my mom had hip surgery today and it went well. Thanks be. The doctor who did her knee in September also did her hip, so I'm hoping he got the job finished this time. She worked so hard in rehab to recover from the knee replacement but had regressed by the time I visited in June--but was totally uninterested in more surgery. She was at the bone-on-bone stage with a lot of arthritis. I don't know how she managed the pain. Friggin' stubborn stoic Irish women.

As for my not-so-funny headline: I hired a surveyor to inspect the house I want to buy (a cool $1,060) and he came up with a laundry list of problems. It needs a few minor things like complete rewiring, a new roof, new boiler, new floor joists in the living room, new windows, a beam to support a chimney (called a chimney breast) etc. etc. Either the seller agrees to a lower price to accommodate a chunk of this work (let's say 75%, since we had planned on some of it), or we start over. Groan.